WIPO Madrid

The International Trademark System at WIPO is called Madrid – The International Trademark System. WIPO Madrid System makes possible registering and managing marks worldwide. It is possible to file one application, in one language, and pay one set of fees to protect trademark in 96 member countries. Through one centralized system the International Trademark protection is possible through WIPO Madrid.

It is mandatory before filing through WIPO Madrid that the applicant has already registered, or have filed an application, in the IP office of his country. His home country application is known as the basic mark. The International application is made through home IP Office which will certify and forward it to WIPO.

WIPO conducts a formal examination of international application. Once approved the mark is recorded in the International Register and published in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks.

The scope of protection of an international registration is only determined after substantive examination and decision by the IP Offices in the countries in which protection of the trademark has been sought.

The country in which the protection has been applied shall decide about the application within a period of 12 to 18 months. WIPO then register this decision in the record and inform the applicant accordingly.

Intellectual Property Logium provides complete services under Madrid Protocol System.

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